Memorial Day service planned Sunday, May 28

Franklin County’s American Legion Post No. 40 Auxiliary organization has announced plans to pay tribute to the area’s fallen soldiers during public ceremonies planned for Sunday, May 28.
The gathering will take place at the war memorial at Midway Cemetery on Highway 184 between Meadville and Bude beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Franklin County Veterans Service Officer Grady Fleming said the gathering is open to the public and invites the community to participate.
“This is the time we set aside annually to remember those from our community who laid down their lives to preserve the ideals of democracy we hold dear,” Fleming said.
“Words are not enough to say that we are grateful for the sacrifices of our service men and women — not just from Franklin County — but from every corner of our country who have died in service down through the years.”
Fleming said the early gathering will allow for those attending to still be able to make it to their respective churches in time for Sunday worship services.
Memorial Day is set aside to honor and mourn U.S. military personnel who have died — in war time or during times of peace — while part of the armed services.
The national observance, which was originally known as Decoration Day, has taken place since 1868 and grew out of smaller community services around the country commemorating the losses experienced during the Civil War.
The holiday is part of three national observances where the military is concerned — Armed Forces Day, which honors all who are currently serving and takes place in early May; Memorial Day, which pays tribute to the nation’s fallen soldiers and occurs on the last Monday of May; and Veterans Day, which salutes those who have served and is held every Nov. 11.
The local service will include remarks as well as a traditional ceremonial wreath laying along with the playing of “Taps.”
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